Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals

Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals - Publications & Projects


Control & Bilingualism



Casado, A., Walther, J., Wolna, A., Szewczyk, J., Sorace, A., & Wodniecka, Z. (2025). Investigation of long-and short-term adaptations of the bilingual language system to different language environments: Evidence from the ERPs. Journal of Neurolinguistics74, 101242.

Individual differences in memory and language, Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals

Judgments of learning in bilinguals: Does studying in a L2 hinder learning monitoring?

Reyes, M., Morales, M. J., & Bajo, M. T. (2023) Judgments of learning in bilinguals: Does studying in a L2 hinder learning monitoring? PlosOne.

Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals

Iniesta, A., Bajo, M. T., Rivera, M., & Paolieri, D. (2022). Transfer effects from language processing to visual attention dynamics: The impact of orthographic transparency. British Journal of Psychology, 00, 1–26. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12598

Bilingualism; Language control, Language control, Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals

Hansen, L. B., Morales, J., Macizo, P., Duñabeitia, J. A., Saldaña, D., Carreiras, M., … & Bajo, M. T. (2017). Reading comprehension and immersion schooling: evidence from component skills. Developmental Science20(1), e12454.

Individual differences in memory and language, Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals

Morales, L., Paolieri, D., Dussias, P. E., Kroff, J. R. V., Gerfen, C., & Bajo, M. T. (2016). The gender congruency effect during bilingual spoken-word recognition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition19(2), 294-310. https://doi:10.1017/S1366728915000176

Individual differences in memory and language, Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals

Togato, G., Paredes, N., Macizo, P., & Bajo, T. (2017). Syntactic processing in professional interpreters: Understanding ambiguous sentences in reading and translation. Applied Linguistics38(4), 581-598.

Individual differences in memory and language, Language selection and cognitive control in bilinguals