
Raquel Lezama

Post-doc fellows

My research focuses on the role of semantic memory and inhibitory control in creativity. Specifically, I am interested in the interplay between semantic activation of relevant concepts as well as the interference resolution of non-relevant ideas when people are trying to resolve creative verbal problems. Additionally, I study the role of certain cerebral regions associated with these processes by means of neuroscience techniques such as EEG and tDCS. Building on this foundation, I performed a research internship at the University of Lund, Sweden, under the guidance of Mikael Johansson and Inês Bramão. This internship allowed me to improve my EEG analysis skills and delve into other analysis methods like MVPA.


Conference Presentations

  • Tomás-Sánchez, G., Higueras, J. L., Lezama, R., Csilinkó, A., Linde-Domingo, J., Marful, A. & Bajo, T. (mayo, 2023). The impact of memory accessibility in human cognition. Jornadas de Investigación 10º Aniversario CIMCYC: Pasado, Presente y Futuro. Granada, España.
  • Lezama, R., Gómez-Ariza, C.J. & Bajo, T. (March, 2023) Transcranial direct current stimulation over the left anterior temporal lobe hampers creative performance. International Convetion of Psychological Science (ICPS). Brussels, Belgium.
  •   Tomás-Sánchez, G.*, Lezama, R.*, Marful, A., Gómez-Ariza, C.J. & Bajo, T. (Mayo, 2022) Procesos implicados en la mejora de la creatividad, una perspectiva basada en la evidencia. V Jornadas de Investigación CIMCYC: Cambio social desde la psicología basada en la evidencia. Granada, España.
  •  Lezama, R., Gómez-Ariza, C.J. & Bajo, T. (September, 2022) Investigating creative thinking from a semantic memory and global attention approach. 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Lille, France.